Work Packages



  • Development of CFRP with multifunctional properties.
  • Selection of material combinations for further development.
  • Studying shape memory interlayers for composite laminates.
  • Finding the correct technology for the SM interlayer placement.
  • Prototyping lab-scale composite morphing structures with SM functionalities.
  • Integrating sensoring, heating and self-healing capabilities in SM composites.
  • Controlling shape evolution during recovery of SM composites.
  • Development of smart thermoplastic composites with magnetic particles for self-healing.
  • Development of smart polymer composite with chromophore particles for self-sensing.



  • To design smart composite structures with different architectures.
  • To characterise the two-dimensional and three-dimensional microstructure of the designed smart composites.
  • To probe the mechanical properties of designed composites in nano-, micro- and macro-scales.
  • To understand the durability of SM composites at high number of recovery steps.
  • To establish the function-structure relationship by in situ SEM micro-deformation at different temperatures.
  • To define the final tests needed for the characterization of smart material according to their characteristics (e.g. selfhealing,



  • To concentrate the end-user activities on specific analysed technologies, driving the technology definition, the components and tooling design to try to find among the end users cross synergies.
  • To introduce common phases and specific single end-user phases.
  • To include following manufacturing methodologies:
    • Additive manufacturing techniques obtaining nanostructured multi-layered carbon/metal oxide based composites for supercapacitors fabrication.
    • Spraying technology for supercapacitance on different surfaces, by spraying the electrodes materials and electrolytes.
    • Electro-Magnetic-Shielding (EMS) multi-layered structures based on graphene sheets layers alternating polymers layers.
    • Technology for fabrication of prototype devices (e.g. grabbing device for on-Earth and Space applications).



  • Study the recyclability of the reinforced thermoplastic matrix.
  • To determine the degradation level of matrix and particles in terms of loss of properties.



  • Clarify the impact of the most relevant parameters of L design (layers) and G design (grids) on the smart-by-design structures
  • Understand the process – structure – properties – performance relationships
  • Develop atomistic models for describing the interface properties between different layers and between the fibre grid and the matrix
  • Develop enhanced continuum models for describing both composites based on grid structures and those based on multi-layered structures
  • Analytical modelling of interface for CFRP composites.



  • To fabricate real devices that will be able to answer all the specification and meet the requirement for TRL6 exploiting a fabrication method able to reduce the production costs (in relation to WP7).
  • To produce components parts with process history data, together with manufacture of large demonstrators for automotive both for the wing profile and for energy absorption absorber.
  • To apply the IoT approach which aims to the implementation of a novel “Rotating Equipment” management, based on data-driven approach and developed over an Edge Computing architecture which is the latest trend of automation and data exchange in innovative manufacturing technologies.



  • Life Cycle Assessment of “smart” products and process developed within SMARTFAN project. LCA, as a powerful tool will be used in comparison studies where the innovative products and processes can be compared to conventional ones with regard to environmental impacts. A standard LCA approach, using commercial software will be extended with a comparative health risk assessment.
  • Risk assessment and Safe-by-Design principles: During R&D and manufacturing WPs Safe-by-Design approaches will be introduced and used as a result of continuous evaluation. Adaption and harmonisation of process flow of the other WPs will take place in a dynamic way. The activities undertaken will allow the development of best practice risk management to minimise environmental and health risks.
  • Cost evaluation: Economic analysis refers not only to the cost of materials and manufacturing but also includes the wider implications of technology selection on company performance. The cost evaluation and market analysis which will be performed will contribute to the competitiveness of the final products and the selected processes guaranteeing added-value for all stakeholders.
  • Data Management: The efficient data management will ensure that research data will be easily discoverable, accessible, assessable and intelligible, usable beyond the original purpose for which they were collected, interoperable to specific quality standards, whenever relevant.



  • Standardization activities aim at identifying gaps and implementing future pre-normative concepts.
  • Exploitation objectives include:

a) to be constantly aware and update about technology evolution, patent landscape and market opportunities;

b) adequate management of innovation and IPR;

c) develop a preliminary business plan for the industrial exploitation of SMARTFAN results.

  • Dissemination activities and communication measures aim at wide project promotion across EU; a draft Dissemination
    Plan and communication measures are presented in section 2 of this proposal; so dissemination activities will be carried
    out accordingly.

Finally the WP has the target to define training guidelines for an effective application of the technology at industrial level



  • To establish an effective project management structure and to conduct the project according to the work plan
  • To ensure efficient and high-quality communication between the partners
  • To prepare and maintain the Risk management plan
  • To identify and confirm deliverables, milestones, staff levels, materials, external costs, travel,
  • Depreciation of capital items and likely meeting schedules for the partnership
  • To ensure a smooth transfer of information (e.g. reports) to and from the Commission
  • To distribute the financial support paid by the Commission among the partners
  • To perform overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial and administrative management of the consortium
  • To coordinate intellectual property rights (IPR) and other innovation-related activities at the consortium level