BIOG3D Main Technical Achievements M30

Development of bioinspired 3D printed processor cooling system and establishment of continuous CFs 3D printing pilot line (BIOG3D)

Within SMARTFAN, BioG3D is responsible for the design and development of a 3D printed processor cooling system with smart functionalities such as improved heat flow and self-morphing properties, by employing the composite filaments fabricated within the project. Up to M24, the design of the heat sink has been set, the thermoplastic materials (both composite and neat) that will be used in each part of the heat sink have been finalized and 3D printing process parameters have been optimised for each different material. Pre-programmed architectures with autonomous self-morphing properties and controlled bending function have been implemented by introducing auxetic patterns. In the upcoming period the heat sink design will be further elaborated, and design specifications will be optimised to achieve increased functionality in terms of heat flow and optimal air flow through responsiveness to thermal stimuli.

BioG3D has also established a pilot line for manufacturing 3D printed bioinspired structures, incorporating an FFF 3D printing system, 3D scanner and 3D design software for 3D model development and an infrared thermal camera for monitoring thermal managing materials. To facilitate the use of this pilot line, targeted protocols and recommendations regarding process parameters modifications and materials behavior have been created. Additionally, towards the development of a 3D printing system that can accommodate continuous CFs 3D printing, a modified heatblock of a commercial FFF 3D printer is under development to print both thermoplastic materials and continuous CFs simultaneously. The innovative heatblock, will be used in SMARTFAN’s pilot line, allowing the use of different abrasive materials in combination with thermoplastic filaments.

Figure 1. Heat Sink 3D model
Figure 2. Pilot line equipment
Figure 3. Modified 3D printing heatblock