20 June 2021
Within the framework of developing an in-house prototype 3d printer for continuous fiber fabrication BioG3D has worked towards developing a parametric toolset for customized toolpath generation in order to accommodate the particularities of the implemented technology. The algorithmic definition receives user input in the form of direct geometries for tool trajectory that the software combines with traditional planar slicing where necessary.
This specific approach which summarizes the work performed during the past 6 months contributes in achieving the fabrication of free-form, CF composites with continuous fiber reinforcement, by omitting the need for high-priced facilities and equipment, such as autoclaves and complex rigid molds, while combining affordable equipment and advanced feedstock materials for an application-driven production of high-performance components. mIn parallel, experimental validation of the controlled bending response under cooling-heating cycles is in process, for the pre-programmed architectures based on auxetic patterns and continuous fiber embedded patterns with autonomous self-morphing properties.
The next steps involve the hardware upgrade of the in-house 3d printing system by implementing further design iterations and improved functions, as well as the software optimization and expansion of its capabilities.
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